Revenue & Tax

Tax Branch

The Tax section is responsible for maintaining records of House tax, Water tax, Conservancy tax, Profession tax, Miscellaneous register, Assessment of properties, Service charges, issue of bills & recovery thereof.

Revenue Branch

The Revenue section is responsible for:

1. Maintaining of House rent register, Water tax register, Miscellaneous register, Trade license register, Parking fee register & Lease rent register.

2. Prepare for House rent, Water tax, Lease rent, and other non-tax bill, and their recovery.

S.NoNameApplicantRentSecurity (refundable)Dept. Charges
1 Akash Ganga Community Hall Cantt Board Employee 3000 + GST (18%) 4000 1500
Resident of Cantt Board Area 5000 + GST (18%) 4000 1500
Non- Resident of CB Area 14000 + GST (18%) 4000 1500
2 Akash Deep Community Hall Cantt Board Employee 5000 + GST (18%) 3000 0
Resident of Cantt Board Area 10000 + GST (18%) 3000 0
Non- Resident of CB Area 10000 + GST (18%) 3000 0